GUIDE FARM: 80.00 taxed acres
PRICE: OFF MARKET – $1,296,000 based on $16,200 per acre
LOCATION: 2 miles Northeast of Earlville, West side of E1525th Road, 1/2 mile north of N47th Road.
DESCRIPTION: The SE 1/4 of NE 1/4 Sec 4 and the SW 1/4 of NW 1/4 Sec 3, all in T36N R3E, Earl Township, LaSalle County, IL.
PIN Taxed Acres Taxes
03-04-202-000 40.00 $1,972.02
03-03-101-000 40.00 $2,201.98
TOTAL: 80.00 $4,172.00
REAL ESTATE TAXES: 2021 real estate taxes payable 2022 total of $4,172.00. Equal to $52.15 per acre.
SOILS: Predominate soils are Drummer silty clay loam and Arrowsmith silt loams, with Atterberry and Elburn silt loams and ElPaso silty clay loam.
SOIL PI = 139.4.
FARM LEASE: Seller retains 2022 lease income and will pay 2022 taxes. Free of lease for 2023 crop year.
CROPLAND: Approximately 77 acres of cropland. There is a 33 foot easement along south line containing a private access road granted to neighboring landowner. No other roadways or lanes through the property.
Title | Price | Status | Type | Area | Purpose | Bedrooms | Bathrooms |